World’s Greatest Dad


Since my earliest memories I’ve been a fan of Robin Williams. Not so much his stand up, but most certainly of his acting.

I always thought there was something deeply engrossing about his performances, especially his eyes.

As I grew older I found out about his struggles with drink, drugs and depression and the pain behind his eyes became clearer.

Strangely though, this gifted actor has seen his level of high profile film roles significantly reduce over the past ten years.

In fact, Robin’s high profile roles these days seem to be that of supporting roles in family franchises such as Night at the Museum and Happy Feet.

Which brings me onto World’s Greatest Dad, the first lead acting role that I’ve watched Robin Williams in since 2006’s ‘family comedy’ RV.

Directed by Bobcat Goldthwait (Better known as crazy Zed from the Police Academy movies) World’s Greatest Dad is a black comedy that tells the story of Lance (Williams) a struggling/ failed writer who works as an unsuccessful teacher and tries his hardest as a single parent to raise a son who has for unknown reasons turned into a disgusting and secluded pervert.

Throughout the film Lance learns that the things you want might not be the things that make you happy and being lonely and being alone are two very different perspectives on life.

The film’s a black comedy and very dark in places, but it’s entertaining, engrossing and carried well by an academy award winner who reminds us why he is still one of the finest actors of his generation (even if he is rarely given the chance to showcase his talents in mainstream films any more).


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